kasam Shayari In Hindi We have best collection of Kasam Shayari in Hindi. You can send these kasam shayari images to your loved ones. Its to remind them about what they have promised to you. meaning of kasam is swearing of someone . by swearing we show our honesty towards any situation . Instance : sometimes people suspect you for something and your are flawless in that situation so people used to swear of that person who is most important in his/her life like they swear of their parents or family member any person who they love most . such as .. “ i swear of my mother , i didn’t stole your diamond ring …’ Here are few examples:- उनके सुर्ख लब और वफा की कसम, हाय क्या कसम थी खुदा की कसम! तेरे बाद कुछ यूं मोहब्बत निभाई है मैंने, तुम नहीं कोई नहीं कसम खाई है मैंने! कभी ज़्यादा, कभी थोड़े, कभी कुछ कम नज़र आए, क़सम ले लो, हमें हर वक्त, तुम ही तुम नज़र आए!